Rachael Neblett, a seventeen-year old high school student from Kentucky began receiving threatening emails through her MySpace account, in the summer of 2006. The anonymous emails were of a stalking terroristic nature.
Rachael’s parents brought the emails to the attention of the principal of her high school. As the emails included details of her movements during class and after school, it was obvious that the bully was another student at the school.
In October Rachael received an email stating “I am not going to put you in the hospital, I am going to put you in the morgue.” After receiving that email, Rachael did not want to go to school or go out with her friends.
On October 9, shortly after receiving the threatening email, Rachael took her own life.
Peyton, Rachael’s older sister writes:
“My little sister committed suicide October 9, 2006. Her name is Rachael Neblett. I am here to tell you a little about her. She was 17 when she died, and the most amazing girl you would ever meet. She was an out-going, loving, and caring person. You would never dream that she would do that to herself. ….She was not just my sister, she was my best friend. .. All I have now is a big, black hole where my heart was. Because my little sister is gone, I won’t be able to see her anymore–no more trips to the mall, no more smiles, hugs, late movie nights, nothing. It’s gone.”