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Yes, you can. Just open the parent app (Surfie-Parent) and tab the disconnect button on the bottom of the Family Overview screen. If you want to disconnect just some of your children, then select the disconnect button on the relevant profiles.
At this stage, our protection for iPhones include: WhatsApp and Facebook cyber-bullying alerts, location tracking and location alerts and website filtering. In the new future we will also introduce app-usage tracking for iOS devices (as we already have for Android phones and tablets).
Go to Settings
Date & Time and turn on “Set automatically”
Tab the Forgot Password option on the sign in screen of the parent app. An email will be sent to you to reset your password.
Login to our parent web-portal at: http://surfie.puresight.com.
We recommend to use a PC for that. Select Settings, Advanced Setting and finally Device settings. Look for your son’s device and select your daughter’s profile from the drop-down list. Click Save Changes.
1. Login to our parent web-portal at: http://surfie.puresight.com
2. Click on Settings
3. Select the relevant child profile
3. Click on Websites
4. Scroll down to Block or Allow Websites
5. Under Step 3, enter the relevant site (example: cnn.com; disney.com)
6. Select Block or Allow
7. Click Add
8. Click Save Changes -
1. On the parent app, tab Settings on the Family Overview screen
2. Select Child’s profile settings
3. Select the relevant profile
4. Tab Change Profile Picture -
You did not complete the installation of the child-app on your daughter’s phone. Take her phone and click on the installation link you sent. Complete the installation and you will see also the location and app screen. After your daughter uses her phone, you will see some of her online activities.
You have to activate our Facebook protection. Open the Facebook App on your son’s Android device or iPhone and follow the install wizard. Once you have activated our Facebook protection on one platform (Android, iOS or Windows) it will work for all of them.
To delete your account please contact us
Purchase was made via PureSight website:
Contact us at: support@puresight.com with your order numberPurchase was made via Apple App store:
1. On your iPhone open the Settings app.
2. Type in your name.
3. Tap Subscriptions. (If you don’t see “Subscriptions,” tap “iTunes & App Store” instead. Then type in your Apple ID, tap View Apple ID, sign in, scroll down to Subscriptions, and tap Subscriptions.)
4. Tap Surfie Parent
5. Tap Cancel SubscriptionPurchase was made via Google Play store:
1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store Google Play.
2. Tap Menu and then Subscriptions
3. Select Surfie Parent
4. Tap Cancel subscription
5. Follow the instructions -
It’s very easy. Open the parent-app (Surfie-Parent) and tab the “Connect button” on the top of daughter’s profile. Within a few seconds the device will be reconnected to the Internet.
The reconnect may take some time. To speed things up we recommend to open the Surfie sys tray icon on your son’s computer taskbar and to click the option “synchronize now”. Afterwards, your son should be reconnected to the Internet.
In such a case you need to check a few things on your child’s mobile device.
For Android devices:
First check if GPS is turned on and if high accuracy mode is selected. Go to Settings, look for location and update the GPS and accuracy mode settings. Secondly, you need to check if Surfie-Kids still has the required location permissions. Go to Settings, Manage Apps, look for Surfie-Kids, go to permissions and make sure that the location permission is turned on and set to “always allow” (Note, the terms used by each phone manufacturer might be slightly different.) If you need help, let us know.
For iOS devices:
Check if the location permission for Surfie Kids is turned on. Go to settings, scroll down to Surfie-Kids and make sure the location permission is turned on and set to “always allow”.
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